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YouTube - snapshot

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Have you ever used Youtube so far ?
Youtube is one of the biggest and the most famous worldwide video social sites now. If you are web-geeks or video-freaks, I am sure you would've already visited the site and browsed some videos. If you haven't, just browse the site and enjoy watching some videos now.


So......, what are you gonna do when you find your favorite or interesting videos there ? If you really would like to tell them to your friends asap, what are you gonna do next ? Probably, you call them, email them or mention them on your blogs and SNS accounts, right ?

The application "YouTube - snapshot" I made the other day is definitely helpful to you in this case. The reason why is you can easily snapshot the moments of your favorite videos as you find now the best scenes.

The procedure is pretty simple.
You simply search for your interesting videos with specific keywords, let me see..., for example, "ipod" and just start watching them in the flash application. (I love the brand-new functionality added to Flash 8, BitmapData class.) When you are in the mood for snapshoting, just push the "snapshot" button. The moment you snapshot will be automatically buffered in the memory and retained it until your two actions. The one is that if you would like to keep it, you can save the snaphot as a jpeg file in your local machine. The other is if you need to challenge snapshoting again, you can cancel saving and try it again until you totally get satisfied with it.

You would've described fascinating videos and put the permalinks for them so far. However, from now on, you can mention them to your friends with some images on your blogs or SNS accounts. This must be more persuasive !!!

Snapshot, snapshot, snapshot !!!

In Japan, this application has been used to get the profile pictures of SNSs.
I was not expecting this result, but I was sort of interested in their new approach.


【Used Technologies】
Flash8 Professional (ActionScript 2.0), PHP, Smarty, PEAR, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Photoshop, Illustrator, Proxy, Linux

【My Responsibilities】
Flash8 Professional (ActionScript 2.0), PHP, Smarty, PEAR, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Photoshop, Illustrator


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