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Experimental use of apollo for videlog

Since I really wanted to create an apollo application for my practical use, I created videlog based on the concept "What am I eating except 3 meals ?" and through it, I caculated the total calorie of between-meal eating. This application can be sort of an anti-metabolic syndrome appllication for health. This is one of my experimental work for pratice and fun, so it is not quite of high quality, but it was very great for me to have the experience to use apollo and flex framework.

The screenshot of videlog.szp.jp

videlog apollo application
The screenshot of videlog apollo application

The diagram of this application is as follows.

the diagram of videlog
the diagram of videlog

In the apollo application, I stored a recorded netstream through a web camera and saved it as a flv using Red 5, s2flex2-components, and AMFPHP 1.9-beta.

moved the flv to a web directry for progressive downloading using AMFPHP 1.9-beta, created a thumbnail of a flv using ffmpeg-php and Pecl::Imagick, and saved the neccessay information to MySQL.

got an associative array and the number of the total calorie for videlog.szp.jp using AMFPHP 1.9-beta

【Used Technology】
Flex Builder 2.0, ActionScript 3.0, ActionScript 2.0, Flash 8 Professional, Apollo, AMFPHP 1.9-beta, PEAR, s2flex2-components, ffmpeg-php, Pecl::Imagick, Red 5, Photoshop CS 2, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Fedora Core 5

【My Responsibility】
The same as above


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