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pictogram list

Almost two months ago, I made the flash-based application called "PICTO" for one of the biggest Japanese blog systems, Jugem. Using this application, you can basically make a lot of gif images and png images. If you would like to use them in an advanced way, you can make some of them together and create animation gifs (in the display of flash, swfs) dynamically. Off course, you can use them for the entry of your blog later.

picto list
The screenshot of picto list

The screenshot of picto

After the release of picto, many users who use jugem make their own pictograms for their own use. Some of them really look professional, but because of so many pictograms a day, some people miss a lot of opportunities to browse them. That's why I decided to show 100 recent pictograms, 100 popular pictograms, and also, 100 popular users who made pictograms in a descent order.

It's really fun to see a lot of pictograms at the same time !!!

[Used Technology]
Flash 8 Professional, ActionScript 2.0, Photoshop CS 2, HTML, Javascript, AMFPHP 1.2, MySQL, PHP CLI, Fedora Core 4

[My Responsibility]
The same as above


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